1 min read

One of the TODO items I brought back from France last year was to start a discussion area for what I’ve been thinking of as “organizational deployments” — everything related to making it easier for organizations to deploy Thunderbird, in particular in larger organizations, where the scale of these deployments makes the “standard” processes hard to manage. (Yes, the standard term is “enterprise” users, but I find that word problematic — still, it’s the same topic)

Well, someone beat me to it. Mike Kaply, a Firefox advocate within IBM, setup a few great starting points:

These will be great place to discuss things that are Mozilla-general. We may even find it a fine place to branch out discussions of Thunderbird specific issues, as I wouldn’t be surprised if topics that may seem Thunderbird specific have analogs in Firefox-land, or at least could benefit from platform-level attention.

If we need to create a Thunderbird specific mailing list, we can do that, but let’s start on the shared list first. I know that many of the topics I’ve heard about, from auto-configuration, to more control over AUS, to hosting add-ons sites, etc., are cross-product issues.

I look forward to hearing from institutional users, corporate, educational, governmental, and other!

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David Ascher



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