Based on Simon‘s recommendation (he’s quite reliable), I squeezed Elling in the kids’ subscription. I highly recommend it. It’s a peaceful, thoughtful, grownup movie, about a couple of slightly odd Norwegian men trying to figure out life. Don’t even bother looking at the page, it’s worse than misleading....

At the last eLiberatica, I was talking to some of the speakers, and several of us reflected that while we really enjoyed giving the standard, “speak up and monopolize everyone’s attention for 20 minutes, then take 5 minutes of questions”, given the energy in the crowd, we’d be really keen,...

I’ve been thinking a bit about brands recently. The Mozilla brand, the Thunderbird brand (and what it should evolve to be). One of the brands that I keep being impressed by is VanCity. For those not around here, VanCity is Canada’s largest credit union, with about 400,000 members and $14...

A couple of canadians (!) have recently put up interesting posts about the Mozilla Foundation: David Eaves, with whom I had a great breakfast a few weeks ago, and Marc Surman, with whom I had a great long-distance phone chat. Both posts are worth reading, and digesting.