I’m in the bay area for 24 hours, just long enough to meet the folks at mozilla headquarters, have a few meetings, and participate in what should be an interesting new experience: a live interview with Mitchell Baker and Asa Dotzler on Air Mozilla, mozilla’s internet video outlet. In the...

Unavoidably, my taking on a new job at Mozilla means that I’ll be leaving my old one behind. After eight years, that’s something that begs commenting, especially if to those who’ve known me primarily through my various roles at ActiveState.

As Mitchell Baker just blogged, and as a press release from Mozilla will announce shortly, I have taken on an exciting new role within the Mozilla world, leading a new organization focused on email and internet communications. Wow indeed.

My son is learning about proper nouns and common nouns at school. Which led to my griping last night about that particular dichotomy in English. Iraq is a proper noun. That makes sense. Iraqis is as well. That doesn’t — there are millions of them, if that doesn’t define “common”...